
One | tWo | ThReE | fOuR | FiVe | sIx | sEvEn | EiGhT | NiNe | TeN | eLeVen | tWelVe | tHiRteEn | FoUrTeEn | Quotes From Songs

Life is like a puzzle. Sometimes all the pieces fall apart, but they can be put back together

Sometimes the biggest sparks come from the smallest fires

When the time comes to let go - let go

There is so much hurt in this game of searching for a mate, of testing, trying. And you realize suddenly that you forgot it was a game, and turn away in tears."

needing someone is like needing a parachute - if they arent there the first time you need them chances are you wont be needing them again I fell head over heels in love - and skinned by knees

A wise monkey never monkeys with another monkeys monkey!

I havent found my Mr. Right ..just Mr rude, Mr he thinks he looks better than me, and Mr. give a new meaning to PIG *

Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?*

There is one pain i always feel, which youll never know because its caused by the absence of you

A real friend wouldnt bail you out of jail, his ass would be tere with you

Believe in the magic of your dreams

* Maybe youll marry, maybe you wont, maybe youll have children, maybe you wont. Maybe youll divorce at 40. maybe youll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary Whatever you do, dont congratulate yourself too much. or berate yourself either. your chocies aree only half by chance, so are everybody elses. *

Somedays its not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning *

* Two stars. We were two twinkiling stars in the American night, going around and around the earth shining bright - Perhaps die, perhaps just being born. perhaps already dead. but no one would know for sure for ten thousand years.

*Ask your heart to make the decsion - the heart knows who to chose*

* "'It's not you.' He said. 'Then if it's not me,' I said, 'Break up with someone else.'*

*No matter how many times I tell you he'll break your heart, or how many times he does it, you'll never give up. Why, you ask... Because you love him."

*Listen to your heart. Your soul contains an image of the man you desire. In the right hand top corner there is a checklist of all the things you need in love. When you meet someone akin to the list, your soul nudges your heart
-and you just know*

*Your soul has an innate wisdom when it comes to what it needs*

*They say true love is worth fighting for, but if it is true love, then why do you have to fight for it?"

*I'm so tired but I can't sleep, standing on the edge of something much too deep. It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word. We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard

*I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose, clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose. Once there was a darkness, a deep and endless night. You gave me everything you had, you gave me light

*And tomorrow, back to being friends..

*You know you like her - would it kill you to admit it, maybe treat her halfway decent? Because you know, she deserves it. And she's not going to wait around for you forever

*Sometimes I ask myself; does he really care, or does he just like to pretend he does so he always has someone to fall back on when one of those other girls arent around

*Somehow, I don't trust you. I don't trust myself. I may never forgive you because I can't forgive myself

*Things with us are never normal. I think we like it that way, never knowing what's going to happen from one day to the next, I think that is why we can't ever let each other go

* Just like a dream, you are not what you seem

*You're so damn scared, so scared of being committed to me, why? Because if you get committed, you might actually find yourself falling in love

* If God had wanted women to chase after men, he would have made men worth catching

*Never forget what they did to you. Just never let them know you remember

*You can't be 'just friends' with somebody you are in love with. It's not that easy."

"How do you expect me to understand you, when I hate your words and can't stand your silence?"

"It is far better to forgive and forget than to resent and remember."

"Maybe it was something I said. Maybe it was something I did. But then again, maybe it was something I didn't say, but wanted to. And something I wanted to do, but didn't."

*.. But the darkness didnt feel right and so the little soul felt out of her element and longed to come back to the light, something that felt RIGHT to her heart*

*Your soul intuitively knows what and who is right for you intuitively knows when something or someone isnt*

* The soul points in the direction of what it needs - what is right for it -listen carefully*

* When your heart is hurting over love, no one can soothe you and be as good to you quite like you can be to yourself*

*"I guess if you're done breaking my heart, I should leave

*At my age im probably gonna break up with a lot of guys but i must never break up with me *

* Integrity is being right with yourself - no secrets, no hidden agenda no dishonesty just "what you see is what you get"*

* A friend is someone with whom i can reveal many parts of me, even those i am meeting for the first time*

*You'll never remember the tests you failed, but you'll always remember the person you were with the night you decided not to study for that test

*Success in life isnt a given - it costs attitude - ambiton and acceptance*

*We may not be together, but we will never be through

* .. Your light made us stars*

*I hate it when i see your name and cant help but smile*

* .. something just keeps pulling me in*

* Ill pick up dandelions and give them to you*

*Let me forget about today until tomorrow*

*If it hurts then its probably worth it*

*I wanna run away, never say good bye. I wanna know the truth instead of wondering why. I wanna know the answers, no more lies. I wanna shut the door and open my mind*

*Ask Me How Many Times My Heart Has Been Broken, And I'll Tell You To Look At The Sky And Count The Stars*

* The sparkle in your eyes can make the stars jealous*

*Wondering why your mind fails to function...
Well It's a LiL Thing Called *Sweet Seduction*

*Mirrors don't talk and lucky for some people they don't laugh either*

*Floating on clouds to drowning in tears.*

*Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep yet*

*Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm"

*spiteful words hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart*

*A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point or another they will fall for each other..Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever...*

*Isn't it funny how they want to be friends right after they broke your heart*

*I couldn't help it when I started to cry, I've told myself that life's a lie, ...you know love sucks when your dreams slip away. I'd trade all my tomorrows for one yesterday*

*All I ever did was like you too much*

*How can you just turn around and walk away, when all i can do is watch you leave*

*You can't always trust the people you want to*

*That thing, that moment, you kiss someone, and its like the whole world becomes hazy and the only thing that matters is u and that person and u no that the one person is the person your meant to be kissing for the rest of
your life and for that one moment you have been givin this amazing gift and u want to laugh and u want to cry at the same time because u r so lucky you found it and ur so scared that it will go away.......*

*The oposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive drug out there, but the high is unlike anything else*

**...ThE OnLy ThiNg WoRsE ThAn HaViN a BRoKeN HeArT iS KnOWiNg ThAt 4 JuSt 1 MoRe NiGhT WiTh HiM u'D gO ThRoUgH ThAt HeArTaCHe aLL OvA AgAiN...*

* I didnt realize how much i loved you, until last night when i was crying in my bed, thinking you didnt love me back....*

*If you did have TRUE feelings for me they don't just change over night. You just don't wake up and say "I don't have feelings for her anymore!" No, it just doesn't happen that way...feelings fade away in a process, not overnight*

*Sometimes...when you hold out for everything, you walk away with nothing*

* This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart ,I'm gonna be strong and not fall apart .. It'll get better, I'll no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks, I wont want to die, I won't want to go back, I'll be able to sleep, It won't hurt so bad, and it won't feel so deep.*~

*Some of life's cruelest lessons will be taught to you at a very young age, and they can scar you forever*

*It is possible to die of a broken heart*

*Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives! It's not what happens to people.... It's how they deal with it!*

*Don't regret what you did in life...regret what you didn't do *

* How peaceful life would be without love, how safe, how tranquil, and how dull*

*Teddy bears don't solve problems and tears don't make the pain go away*

*Life was much easier when we thought boys had cooties*

* what goes around, comes around, and i hate to see it when you get it

* Sometimes I look at you and wonder what it is that makes me like you so much, what makes you seem so perfect. And I realize it's that you're my friend, it's that I can trust you to know my deepest secrets, that I feel like I can talk to you about anything. The fact that i can joke with you and you dont take offense, the fact that you are the one person I wouldnt be afraid to tell things to. All the things that make me just a friend to you, are what make you so special tome. I guess that's why it hurts, because, how
do I stay close without feeling like I'm being torn apart. How do I keep myself from liking you again, when you manage to always make me feel the same way even when I try to resist. If you only knew how many tears I've cried because I knew that you didn't love me, didn't care *

* Some people say, Never kiss a friend because that friend will be forever lost, but what if the one person you are looking for is that friend youve never kissed? *

*Making someone feel as if you dont care makes that person feel alone in the world...no wonder so many people commit suicide *

*Its funny how you can be BEST FRIENDS with someone and how the older you get you realize that they are not really the person you thought they were*

*The story of life is quicker than the eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again*

*Once You have fallen in love with someone you can never fall back out of love. You can make yourself believe that you don't, but you always will no matter what.*

*Dont forget the past, but most importantly dont forget what the past taught you*

* Maybe I could have loved you better. Maybe you should have loved me more. MLife is like a puzzle. Sometimes all the pieces fall apart, but they can be
put back together

Sometimes the biggest sparks come from the smallest fires

When the time comes to let go - let go

There is so much hurt in this game of searching for a mate, of testing,
trying. And you realize suddenly that you forgot it was a game, and turn
away in tears."

needing someone is like needing a parachute - if they arent there the first
time you need them chances are you wont be needing them again

I fell head over heels in love - and skinned by knees

A wise monkey never monkeys with another monkeys monkey!

I havent found my Mr. Right ..just Mr rude, Mr he thinks he looks better
than me, and Mr. give a new meaning to PIG *

Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?*

There is one pain i always feel, which youll never know because its caused
by the absence of you

A real friend wouldnt bail you out of jail, his ass would be tere with you

Believe in the magic of your dreams

* Maybe youll marry, maybe you wont, maybe youll have children, maybe you
wont. Maybe youll divorce at 40. maybe youll dance the funky chicken on your
75th wedding anniversary
Whatever you do, dont congratulate yourself too much. or berate yourself
either. your chocies aree only half by chance, so are everybody elses. *

Somedays its not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning *

* Two stars. We were two twinkiling stars in the American night, going
around and around the earth shining bright - Perhaps die, perhaps just being
born. perhaps already dead. but no one would know for sure for ten thousand


*Ask your heart to make the decsion - the heart knows who to chose*

* "'It's not you.' He said. 'Then if it's not me,' I said, 'Break up with
someone else.'*

*No matter how many times I tell you he'll break your heart, or how many
times he does it, you'll never give up. Why, you ask... Because you love

*Listen to your heart. Your soul contains an image of the man you desire. In
the right hand top corner there is a checklist of all the things you need in
love. When you meet someone akin to the list, your soul nudges your heart
-and you just know*

*Your soul has an innate wisdom when it comes to what it needs*

*They say true love is worth fighting for, but if it is true love, then why
do you have to fight for it?"

*I'm so tired but I can't sleep, standing on the edge of something much too
deep. It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word. We are
screaming inside, but we can't be heard

*I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose, clinging to a past
that doesn't let me choose. Once there was a darkness, a deep and endless
night. You gave me everything you had, you gave me light

*And tomorrow, back to being friends..

*You know you like her - would it kill you to admit it, maybe treat her halfway decent? Because you know, she deserves it. And she's not going to
wait around for you forever

*Sometimes I ask myself; does he really care, or does he just like to pretend he does so he always has someone to fall back on when one of those
other girls arent around

*Somehow, I don't trust you. I don't trust myself. I may never forgive you
because I can't forgive myself

*Things with us are never normal. I think we like it that way, never knowing what's going to happen from one day to the next, I think that is why
we can't ever let each other go

* Just like a dream, you are not what you seem

*You're so damn scared, so scared of being committed to me, why? Because if
you get committed, you might actually find yourself falling in love

* If God had wanted women to chase after men, he would have made men worth

*Never forget what they did to you. Just never let them know you remember

*You can't be 'just friends' with somebody you are in love with. It's not
that easy."

"How do you expect me to understand you, when I hate your words and can't
stand your silence?"

"It is far better to forgive and forget than to resent and remember."

"Maybe it was something I said. Maybe it was something I did. But then
again, maybe it was something I didn't say, but wanted to. And something I
wanted to do, but didn't."

*.. But the darkness didnt feel right and so the little soul felt out of
her element and longed to come back to the light, something that felt RIGHT
to her heart*

*Your soul intuitively knows what and who is right for you intuitively knows
when something or someone isnt*

* The soul points in the direction of what it needs - what is right for it
-listen carefully*

* When your heart is hurting over love, no one can soothe you and be as good
to you quite like you can be to yourself*

*"I guess if you're done breaking my heart, I should leave

*At my age im probably gonna break up with a lot of guys but i must never
break up with me *

* Integrity is being right with yourself - no secrets, no hidden agenda no
dishonesty just "what you see is what you get"*

* A friend is someone with whom i can reveal many parts of me, even those i
am meeting for the first time*

*You'll never remember the tests you failed, but you'll always remember the
person you were with the night you decided not to study for that test

*Success in life isnt a given - it costs attitude - ambiton and acceptance*

*We may not be together, but we will never be through

* .. Your light made us stars*

*I hate it when i see your name and cant help but smile*

* .. something just keeps pulling me in*

* Ill pick up dandelions and give them to you*

*Let me forget about today until tomorrow*

*If it hurts then its probably worth it*

*I wanna run away, never say good bye. I wanna know the truth instead of
wondering why. I wanna know the answers, no more lies. I wanna shut the
door and open my mind*

*Ask Me How Many Times My Heart Has Been Broken, And I'll Tell You To Look
At The Sky And Count The Stars*

* The sparkle in your eyes can make the stars jealous*

*Wondering why your mind fails to function...
Well It's a LiL Thing Called *Sweet Seduction*

*Mirrors don't talk and lucky for some people they don't laugh either*

*Floating on clouds to drowning in tears.*

*Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep

*Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm"

*spiteful words hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart*

*A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point or another they will
fall for each other..Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too
late, or maybe forever...*

*Isn't it funny how they want to be friends right after they broke your

*I couldn't help it when I started to cry, I've told myself that life's a
lie, ...you know love sucks when your dreams slip away. I'd trade all my
tomorrows for one yesterday*

*All I ever did was like you too much*

*How can you just turn around and walk away, when all i can do is watch you

*You can't always trust the people you want to*

*That thing, that moment, you kiss someone, and its like the whole world
becomes hazy and the only thing that matters is u and that person and u no
that the one person is the person your meant to be kissing for the rest of
your life and for that one moment you have been givin this amazing gift and
u want to laugh and u want to cry at the same time because u r so lucky you
found it and ur so scared that it will go away.......*

*The oposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive drug out there, but the
high is unlike anything else*

**...ThE OnLy ThiNg WoRsE ThAn HaViN a BRoKeN HeArT iS KnOWiNg ThAt 4 JuSt 1
MoRe NiGhT WiTh HiM u'D gO ThRoUgH ThAt HeArTaCHe aLL OvA AgAiN...*

* I didnt realize how much i loved you, until last night when i was crying
in my bed, thinking you didnt love me back....*

*If you did have TRUE feelings for me they don't just change over night. You
just don't wake up and say "I don't have feelings for her anymore!" No, it
just doesn't happen that way...feelings fade away in a process, not

*Sometimes...when you hold out for everything, you walk away with

* This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart ,I'm gonna be strong and not
fall apart .. It'll get better, I'll no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks, I
wont want to die, I won't want to go back, I'll be able to sleep, It won't
hurt so bad, and it won't feel so deep.*~

*Some of life's cruelest lessons will be taught to you at a very young age, and they can scar you forever*

*It is possible to die of a broken heart*

*Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched,
and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of
people who have touched their lives! It's not what happens to people....
It's how they deal with it!*

*Don't regret what you did in life...regret what you didn't do *

* How peaceful life would be without love, how safe, how tranquil, and how

*Teddy bears don't solve problems and tears don't make the pain go away*

*Life was much easier when we thought boys had cooties*

* what goes around, comes around, and i hate to see it when you get it

* Sometimes I look at you and wonder what it is that makes me like you so
much, what makes you seem so perfect. And I realize it's that you're my
friend, it's that I can trust you to know my deepest secrets, that I feel
like I can talk to you about anything. The fact that i can joke with you and
you dont take offense, the fact that you are the one person I wouldnt be
afraid to tell things to. All the things that make me just a friend to you,
are what make you so special tome. I guess that's why it hurts, because, how
do I stay close without feeling like I'm being torn apart. How do I keep
myself from liking you again, when you manage to always make me feel the
same way even when I try to resist. If you only knew how many tears I've
cried because I knew that you didn't love me, didn't care *

* Some people say, Never kiss a friend because that friend will be forever
lost, but what if the one person you are looking for is that friend youve
never kissed? *

*Making someone feel as if you dont care makes that person feel alone in the
world...no wonder so many people commit suicide *

*Its funny how you can be BEST FRIENDS with someone and how the older you
get you realize that they are not really the person you thought they were*

*The story of life is quicker than the eye, the story of love is hello and
goodbye, until we meet again*

*Once You have fallen in love with someone you can never fall back out of
love. You can make yourself believe that you don't, but you always will no
matter what.*

*Dont forget the past, but most importantly dont forget what the past taught

* Maybe I could have loved you better. Maybe you should have loved me more.
Maybe our hearts were just next in line. Maybe everything breaks sometime*

*Favorite people, favorite places, favorite memories of the past...these are
the joys of a lifetime...these are the things that last*

*Always remember...when the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of
letting go...it's time to let go*

*When a girl hears the story about snow white for the first time, she wishes
that she's snow white with a prince charming to kiss her and wake her
up...but in reality, the prince charming usually doesn't know that you're
alive...and he doesn't really care*

*Let me ruin your life, let me break your heart, then I'll ask you why we
can't be friends. Let me rip your world into little pieces, let me destroy
who you thought you were, and then I'll ask if we can be friends*

*I now compare all guys I like to you and you know what...They never measure
up... Not even close... And the sad thing is that some are probably better
than you... But I just can't see it*

*As I sit awake in the middle of the night I'm thinking of all the things I
should have said before you left and maybe, just maybe, you'd still be here*

*In dreams and in love-there are no impossibilities*

*Ever notice the only boys we ever complain about are those we care about
the most?*

*Heartbreaks will last as long as you want them too and cut as deep as you
allow them to go; the challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to
learn from them.*

*Men are proof that women can take a joke*

*Nothing lasts forever, not the mountains nor the sea, but the memories we
shared, they will always be with me*

*Fate brought us together, destiny took us apart, We'll always be together,
if we only follow our hearts*

*Every once in a while this unbelievable sadness comes over my heart and
breaks it all over again ... not because of the way things are but the way
things could have been.*

*It has to be hard to watch someone you love change before your eyes and
know you can't do anything about it, but it must be heartbreaking to
remember the way they once were.*

*Oh and everytime I'm close to you, there's too much I can't say... and you just walk away. And I forgot to tell you... I love you And the nights
too long and cold here... Without you I grieve in my condition, for I cannot
find the words to say I need you so.*~

*Can you go back in time To a place in your mind To the one who knew A part of you That you just couldn't find? If you asked me to choose Between a
memory or two When it's said and done I'd take the one Whose love I had to
aLife is like a puzzle. Sometimes all the pieces fall apart, but they can be
put back together

Sometimes the biggest sparks come from the smallest fires

When the time comes to let go - let go

There is so much hurt in this game of searching for a mate, of testing,
trying. And you realize suddenly that you forgot it was a game, and turn
away in tears."

needing someone is like needing a parachute - if they arent there the first
time you need them chances are you wont be needing them again

I fell head over heels in love - and skinned by knees

A wise monkey never monkeys with another monkeys monkey!

I havent found my Mr. Right ..just Mr rude, Mr he thinks he looks better
than me, and Mr. give a new meaning to PIG *

Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?*

There is one pain i always feel, which youll never know because its caused
by the absence of you

A real friend wouldnt bail you out of jail, his ass would be tere with you

Believe in the magic of your dreams

* Maybe youll marry, maybe you wont, maybe youll have children, maybe you
wont. Maybe youll divorce at 40. maybe youll dance the funky chicken on your
75th wedding anniversary
Whatever you do, dont congratulate yourself too much. or berate yourself
either. your chocies aree only half by chance, so are everybody elses. *

Somedays its not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning *

* Two stars. We were two twinkiling stars in the American night, going
around and around the earth shining bright - Perhaps die, perhaps just being
born. perhaps already dead. but no one would know for sure for ten thousand


*Ask your heart to make the decsion - the heart knows who to chose*

* "'It's not you.' He said. 'Then if it's not me,' I said, 'Break up with
someone else.'*

*No matter how many times I tell you he'll break your heart, or how many
times he does it, you'll never give up. Why, you ask... Because you love

*Listen to your heart. Your soul contains an image of the man you desire. In
the right hand top corner there is a checklist of all the things you need in
love. When you meet someone akin to the list, your soul nudges your heart
-and you just know*

*Your soul has an innate wisdom when it comes to what it needs*

*They say true love is worth fighting for, but if it is true love, then why
do you have to fight for it?"

*I'm so tired but I can't sleep, standing on the edge of something much too
deep. It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word. We are
screaming inside, but we can't be heard

*I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose, clinging to a past
that doesn't let me choose. Once there was a darkness, a deep and endless
night. You gave me everything you had, you gave me light

*And tomorrow, back to being friends..

*You know you like her - would it kill you to admit it, maybe treat her halfway decent? Because you know, she deserves it. And she's not going to
wait around for you forever

*Sometimes I ask myself; does he really care, or does he just like to pretend he does so he always has someone to fall back on when one of those
other girls arent around

*Somehow, I don't trust you. I don't trust myself. I may never forgive you
because I can't forgive myself

*Things with us are never normal. I think we like it that way, never knowing what's going to happen from one day to the next, I think that is why
we can't ever let each other go

* Just like a dream, you are not what you seem

*You're so damn scared, so scared of being committed to me, why? Because if
you get committed, you might actually find yourself falling in love

* If God had wanted women to chase after men, he would have made men worth

*Never forget what they did to you. Just never let them know you remember

*You can't be 'just friends' with somebody you are in love with. It's not
that easy."

"How do you expect me to understand you, when I hate your words and can't
stand your silence?"

"It is far better to forgive and forget than to resent and remember."

"Maybe it was something I said. Maybe it was something I did. But then
again, maybe it was something I didn't say, but wanted to. And something I
wanted to do, but didn't."

*.. But the darkness didnt feel right and so the little soul felt out of
her element and longed to come back to the light, something that felt RIGHT
to her heart*

*Your soul intuitively knows what and who is right for you intuitively knows
when something or someone isnt*

* The soul points in the direction of what it needs - what is right for it
-listen carefully*

* When your heart is hurting over love, no one can soothe you and be as good
to you quite like you can be to yourself*

*"I guess if you're done breaking my heart, I should leave

*At my age im probably gonna break up with a lot of guys but i must never
break up with me *

* Integrity is being right with yourself - no secrets, no hidden agenda no
dishonesty just "what you see is what you get"*

* A friend is someone with whom i can reveal many parts of me, even those i
am meeting for the first time*

*You'll never remember the tests you failed, but you'll always remember the
person you were with the night you decided not to study for that test

*Success in life isnt a given - it costs attitude - ambiton and acceptance*

*We may not be together, but we will never be through

* .. Your light made us stars*

*I hate it when i see your name and cant help but smile*

* .. something just keeps pulling me in*

* Ill pick up dandelions and give them to you*

*Let me forget about today until tomorrow*

*If it hurts then its probably worth it*

*I wanna run away, never say good bye. I wanna know the truth instead of
wondering why. I wanna know the answers, no more lies. I wanna shut the
door and open my mind*

*Ask Me How Many Times My Heart Has Been Broken, And I'll Tell You To Look
At The Sky And Count The Stars*

* The sparkle in your eyes can make the stars jealous*

*Wondering why your mind fails to function...
Well It's a LiL Thing Called *Sweet Seduction*

*Mirrors don't talk and lucky for some people they don't laugh either*

*Floating on clouds to drowning in tears.*

*Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep

*Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm"

*spiteful words hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart*

*A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point or another they will
fall for each other..Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too
late, or maybe forever...*

*Isn't it funny how they want to be friends right after they broke your

*I couldn't help it when I started to cry, I've told myself that life's a
lie, ...you know love sucks when your dreams slip away. I'd trade all my
tomorrows for one yesterday*

*All I ever did was like you too much*

*How can you just turn around and walk away, when all i can do is watch you

*You can't always trust the people you want to*

*That thing, that moment, you kiss someone, and its like the whole world
becomes hazy and the only thing that matters is u and that person and u no
that the one person is the person your meant to be kissing for the rest of
your life and for that one moment you have been givin this amazing gift and
u want to laugh and u want to cry at the same time because u r so lucky you
found it and ur so scared that it will go away.......*

*The oposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive drug out there, but the
high is unlike anything else*

**...ThE OnLy ThiNg WoRsE ThAn HaViN a BRoKeN HeArT iS KnOWiNg ThAt 4 JuSt 1
MoRe NiGhT WiTh HiM u'D gO ThRoUgH ThAt HeArTaCHe aLL OvA AgAiN...*

* I didnt realize how much i loved you, until last night when i was crying
in my bed, thinking you didnt love me back....*

*If you did have TRUE feelings for me they don't just change over night. You
just don't wake up and say "I don't have feelings for her anymore!" No, it
just doesn't happen that way...feelings fade away in a process, not

*Sometimes...when you hold out for everything, you walk away with

* This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart ,I'm gonna be strong and not
fall apart .. It'll get better, I'll no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks, I
wont want to die, I won't want to go back, I'll be able to sleep, It won't
hurt so bad, and it won't feel so deep.*~

*Some of life's cruelest lessons will be taught to you at a very young age, and they can scar you forever*

*It is possible to die of a broken heart*

*Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched,
and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of
people who have touched their lives! It's not what happens to people....
It's how they deal with it!*

*Don't regret what you did in life...regret what you didn't do *

* How peaceful life would be without love, how safe, how tranquil, and how

*Teddy bears don't solve problems and tears don't make the pain go away*

*Life was much easier when we thought boys had cooties*

* what goes around, comes around, and i hate to see it when you get it

* Sometimes I look at you and wonder what it is that makes me like you so
much, what makes you seem so perfect. And I realize it's that you're my
friend, it's that I can trust you to know my deepest secrets, that I feel
like I can talk to you about anything. The fact that i can joke with you and
you dont take offense, the fact that you are the one person I wouldnt be
afraid to tell things to. All the things that make me just a friend to you,
are what make you so special tome. I guess that's why it hurts, because, how
do I stay close without feeling like I'm being torn apart. How do I keep
myself from liking you again, when you manage to always make me feel the
same way even when I try to resist. If you only knew how many tears I've
cried because I knew that you didn't love me, didn't care *

* Some people say, Never kiss a friend because that friend will be forever
lost, but what if the one person you are looking for is that friend youve
never kissed? *

*Making someone feel as if you dont care makes that person feel alone in the
world...no wonder so many people commit suicide *

*Its funny how you can be BEST FRIENDS with someone and how the older you
get you realize that they are not really the person you thought they were*

*The story of life is quicker than the eye, the story of love is hello and
goodbye, until we meet again*

*Once You have fallen in love with someone you can never fall back out of
love. You can make yourself believe that you don't, but you always will no
matter what.*

*Dont forget the past, but most importantly dont forget what the past taught

* Maybe I could have loved you better. Maybe you should have loved me more.
Maybe our hearts were just next in line. Maybe everything breaks sometime*

*Favorite people, favorite places, favorite memories of the past...these are
the joys of a lifetime...these are the things that last*

*Always remember...when the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of
letting go...it's time to let go*

*When a girl hears the story about snow white for the first time, she wishes
that she's snow white with a prince charming to kiss her and wake her
up...but in reality, the prince charming usually doesn't know that you're
alive...and he doesn't really care*

*Let me ruin your life, let me break your heart, then I'll ask you why we
can't be friends. Let me rip your world into little pieces, let me destroy
who you thought you were, and then I'll ask if we can be friends*

*I now compare all guys I like to you and you know what...They never measure
up... Not even close... And the sad thing is that some are probably better
than you... But I just can't see it*

*As I sit awake in the middle of the night I'm thinking of all the things I
should have said before you left and maybe, just maybe, you'd still be here*

*In dreams and in love-there are no impossibilities*

*Ever notice the only boys we ever complain about are those we care about
the most?*

*Heartbreaks will last as long as you want them too and cut as deep as you
allow them to go; the challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to
learn from them.*

*Men are proof that women can take a joke*

*Nothing lasts forever, not the mountains nor the sea, but the memories we
shared, they will always be with me*

*Fate brought us together, destiny took us apart, We'll always be together,
if we only follow our hearts*

*Every once in a while this unbelievable sadness comes over my heart and
breaks it all over again ... not because of the way things are but the way
things could have been.*

*It has to be hard to watch someone you love change before your eyes and
know you can't do anything about it, but it must be heartbreaking to
remember the way they once were.*

*Oh and everytime I'm close to you, there's too much I can't say... and you just walk away. And I forgot to tell you... I love you And the nights
too long and cold here... Without you I grieve in my condition, for I cannot
find the words to say I need you so.*~

*Can you go back in time To a place in your mind To the one who knew A part of you That you just couldn't find? If you asked me to choose Between a
memory or two When it's said and done I'd take the one Whose love I had to lose.*

Maybe our hearts were just next in line. Maybe everything breaks sometime*

*Favorite people, favorite places, favorite memories of the past...these are the joys of a lifetime...these are the things that last*

*Always remember...when the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of letting go...it's time to let go*

*When a girl hears the story about snow white for the first time, she wishes that she's snow white with a prince charming to kiss her and wake her up...but in reality, the prince charming usually doesn't know that you're
alive...and he doesn't really care*

*Let me ruin your life, let me break your heart, then I'll ask you why we can't be friends. Let me rip your world into little pieces, let me destroy who you thought you were, and then I'll ask if we can be friends*

*I now compare all guys I like to you and you know what...They never measure up... Not even close... And the sad thing is that some are probably better
than you... But I just can't see it*

*As I sit awake in the middle of the night I'm thinking of all the things I should have said before you left and maybe, just maybe, you'd still be here*

*In dreams and in love-there are no impossibilities*

*Ever notice the only boys we ever complain about are those we care about the most?*

*Heartbreaks will last as long as you want them too and cut as deep as you allow them to go; the challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.*

*Men are proof that women can take a joke*

*Nothing lasts forever, not the mountains nor the sea, but the memories we shared, they will always be with me*

*Fate brought us together, destiny took us apart, We'll always be together, if we only follow our hearts*

*Every once in a while this unbelievable sadness comes over my heart and breaks it all over again ... not because of the way things are but the way things could have been.*

*It has to be hard to watch someone you love change before your eyes and know you can't do anything about it, but it must be heartbreaking to remember the way they once were.*

*Oh and everytime I'm close to you, there's too much I can't say... and you just walk away. And I forgot to tell you... I love you And the nights too long and cold here... Without you I grieve in my condition, for I cannot
find the words to say I need you so.*~

*Can you go back in time To a place in your mind To the one who knew A part of you That you just couldn't find? If you asked me to choose Between a memory or two When it's said and done I'd take the one Whose love I had to lose.*